Kevin Scott

We came to you for large installation work that included all the associated building work. Your installation and maintenance service are all undertaken in compliance with the latest legislation and building code requirements, and we sure appreciate that! The office now looks great and feels warm and comfy, and is a pleasure to work at. Keep up the great job, cheers!


  • Certificazione ISO 9001:2015 per il processo gestionale;
  • Marcatura CE per oscurante in base alla norma EN 13659;
  • Marcatura CE per finestre e porte pedonali come da norma EN 14351-1.

Attestati per l’installazione

  • Posatore posclima
  • Tecnico per la qualificazione del foro finestra.
Co. All. Serramenti
© 2025. All Rights Reserved

Via don Corchia, 5/B – 43013 Langhirano (PR)
T +39 0521 852 631 | F +39 0521 356 377
P. IVA 01968480341 | R.E.A. Parma 192109
Cap. Soc. sottoscritto e versato € 10.400